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Gear Motors – Customised drive solutions for individual applications


Our gear motors offer a custom-designed solution for your individual application. Click hear to learn more about the functionality of gear motors.

An application example is the use of gear motors in high-speed midget grinders.

DEPRAG Top-Speed Grinder

Grinder for the deburring of molds and dies and for the fabrication of nonmetallic materials with high cutting speed.

Power:  90 W
Speed: 100,000 rpm

Design and function of a gear motor

Gear motors consist of two gear wheels, that run in a housing with minimal play. One gear wheel is rigidly interconnected with the drift shaft, the other generates the torque. Two gear flats are directed with compressed air into the turn direction and one gear flat against the turn direction. The exhaust air is directed into chambers which are formed between the gear flat and housing wall towards the exhaust air side and rotation is generated. Gear motors are operated oilfree.


Additional information about gear motors

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You can find more information about our gear motors (D6000) here.


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