Station 1:
At this station, the Operator manually loads the base body, cover, magnet, as well as the manual contact of the power cable.
Station 2:
Part positioning control; also the automatic feeding and press-insertion of the dowel pin
Station 3:
Automatic feeding and placement of a Heli-Coil spring and a catch.
Station 4:
A ratchet is automatically fed and then placed onto the sub-assembled parts
Station 5:
The housing cover of the release-unit is picked from a parts pallet and accurately placed
Station 6:
Testing of the retention force and measurement of the release time, which has to be shorter than 10 milliseconds to be acceptable.
Station 7:
Automatic printing and subsequent placement of a label.
Station 8:
This station is currently not used. It is prepared to accept the future integration of an auto-unload station.